Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blog Assignment #52 /Midterm Assignment

#1.     In this cover story it talks about the new Narnia movie. They say this movie hasn't made enough money. They might not do a fourth movie. There were seven books though. It would be terrible not to have a fourth movie.
         I think they should still make another movie. They say that more Christians need to go see the movie. Not everybody who goes to see the movie understands that it is for Christians. I think they should understand that people don't really understand. It isn't that hard.
      It would be great if they would make another movie. It just depends on the money they make. This Narnia isn't making alot of money. I don't see why. People say it is a good movie. I just don't understand why some people don't want to see it.

#2. Kodak Photo Story

#3. THE LOST HERO, by Rick Riordan
               This book is Greek mythology. I read it. It is really good. It is 553 pages long. It takes about 2 weeks to read. It has some Greek gods/goddesses in it. It is AR. I think it is about 19 points. It is really good book. Everybody should read it. It is the sequel to the "Percy Jackson Series".
               The main characters are Jason, Piper, and Leo. One day Jason wakes up not knowing who he was. He was at the wilderness school. There he meets Piper and Leo. The Mist makes people not see the truth. Piper and Leo thought they knew Jason, but they really didn't. Piper thought she was Jason's girlfriend, but they aren't. Leo thought Jason was his best friend, but Jason had never seen Leo before in his life. Annabeth (daughter of Athena) and Butch (son of Iris, the goddess of the rainbow and messages) were looking for Percy ( son of Poseidon and Annabeth's boyfriend). Instead they found Jason, Piper, and Leo. Three new half-bloods so they bring them to Camp half-blood. At Camp half-blood they find out Jason was the son of Zeus, Piper was the daughter of Aphrodite, and Leo was the son of Hephaestus.
               Piper, Jason, and Leo get sent on a quest to save Hera. They go through hard times trying to save Hera (goddess of marriage). Hera was the one who wiped Jason's memory. She put him in the wilderness school. She was responsible for everything. It all probably wouldn't of happened if Jason's mom wouldn't of given him to Hera. The reason why Jason's mom did that was because Hera was angry. Zeus (Hera's husband) had to chidren with Jason's mom. Zeus had Thalia and Jason. Well actually Zeus had Thalia, and Jupiter had Jason. Jupiter is Zeus's Roman form. Zeus gave Jason to Hera so Hera wouldn't be angry. Then Hera did everything. In the end something very surprising happens. I do to ruin the surprise, but Percy happens to be just like Jason. The only difference is Jason ended up in a Greek camp which is nicer and Percy will end up in a Roman camp which will not be friendly.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blog Assignment #51/ The BR Daily Report

Can public education be saved?

This story is about poor kids. The kids need support from their parents. Outside of school they sometimes have to dodge bullets. It is very sad. Some don't even own a book outside school.It is so sad that they can't even afford a book. They need help.

Chicken processor to open Bastrop Plant and hire 300
     A chicken processor company was giving 300 jobs to people who needed them. Governor Jindal told a newspaper that is was located in Mississippi. The plant will also give 900 other jobs.The company makes boats and sells chicken. A recent paper mill made 550 without jobs, that's when this opened up.

U.S. jobless claims drop 
      There is not of claims for the unemployed this year. It changed to 42,100 in one week, which is less than last years. This is a great thing because it means Americans are working for their money. The drop is lowest since August of 2008. That's awesome

Suppliers say new iPad coming in early 2011
       The Apple company is coming out with a 2nd generation iPad. The company thinks in the market in early 2011. Similar to the new iPhone and iPod touch, the new model of the iPad will have a camera on the front and back! The new ipad will have much better qualities as far as the picture, and weight. The Apple company will be done designing this new iPad in January, but it will start being sold in April.


    A new show called "Son of Guns" is airing on Discovery next month. It is about a Baton Rouge gun shop. The name of the shop is Red Jacket Firearms.  It will come on Monday nights at 9. It will air on January 24th. I think this will be interesting to watch because it shows that a store from a small town can become famous!


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Blog #49

I think that Maddy, Reagan, Katie, Tatyana, Darian, and Malori's articles should really be on the newspaper!! They did an awesome job!

3rd article for Dec. newspaper

Q. Why do mummies love Christmas presents?
A. because they are wrapped
Q. What does a cat get on a beach on Christmas morning?
A. Sandy Claws
Q. What goes “Oh Oh Oh”?
A. Santa walking backwards
Q.Who is Santa’s most famous elf?
A. elfvis
Q.What do you call Santa Claus’s dog?
A. Santa Paws
~Lauren Abington

2nd article for Dec. newspaper

Tongue Twister
A tree toad loved a she-toad
Who lived up in a tree.
He was a two-toed tree toad
But a three-toed toad was she.
The two-toed tree toad tried to win
The three-toed she-toad's heart,
For the two-toed tree toad loved the ground
That the three-toed tree toad trod.
But the two-toed tree toad tried in vain.
He couldn't please her whim.
From her tree toad bower
With her three-toed power
The she-toad vetoed him
~Lauren Abington

1st article for Dec. Newspaaper

Mystery Student
           Well, as you can see, I’m the mystery student! I love my family, friends, and life! My favorite animal is a hyena.  Whenever I grow up, I would like to be an Oceanographer. My favorite book of the Bible is Psalms. Preferably Psalms 109! My favorite color is purple. I love to wear scarves and necklaces. My favorite month is January. My birthday is also in January. So, who am I?
When you think you know the Mystery Student go to the student or LAUREN ABINGTON.   Go to Lauren to redeem your prize. The student will tell Lauren who won. So don’t got to her before the student tells her. Thank You and Have fun! 
~Lauren Abington

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Blog Assignment #47 / The Times Picayune-NO

Death from OD was murder, jury told
     This article talks about a woman. Some say she overdosed by herself. Some say that Kott shot Dilaudid into her blood. If Kott is found guilty he will be in jail for the rest of his life. The woman died January 29, 2004. This article really gets you thinking.

Cop says facts in shooting withheld
     This article is about a murder. It talks about a man who was killed. they are trying to figure out who killed him. They suspect former cop Lt. Robert Italiano. Italiano has no clue what is going on. He says that he is innocent.

Man dies seven months after being shot during armed robbery
       This article was about Alvin Black. He died at about 4 p.m. at Interim LSU Public Hospital from complications associated with a gunshot wound to his neck. This was an interesting story. It didn't give much information. It was a good little article though.

I remember it well
   This article is about a person saying they remember a bunch of murders. They say it was nothing like 1996. It says it was very scary. I would think so to. the person said they remembered a murder of a woman. The woman was in her parking garage. She got kidnapped. The murderer killed the woman because he wanted some new sneakers.

Remembering the 4 victims of the La. Pizza Kitchen Robbery and Massacre
    This just talked about some murders. It talked about how the murders happened. It was really load. They said it was really scary.I would be scared to. Those people just got randomly shot. I think that is just wrong. It is very scary and terrifying.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blog Assignment #46 / The Chicago Sun Times

'Wicked' follows the greenback road with return
      Wicked is now the longest Broadway show ever to play on Broadway. It tells how the Christmas is gonna be a little more green. Elphaba and Glinda brought their play back to the Windy City. This is amazing. Wicked is becoming a traditional Chicago play. It is just like A Christmas Carol.

Dwayne Johnson had to work to get back in action
      This article was about Dwayne Johnson playing in his new movie. It talked about how the movie is like a 70s action movie. It is about a guy who wanted to kill someone after that person killed his brother. It sounds like a good movie. I want to see it.

Rising stars Hathaway, Franco to host Oscars
           In this article it talks about how Hathaway and Franco are hosting the Oscars. They will make it a celebration not just an awards ceremony. The Oscars will be on February 27. It says they deserve to be the hosts. I think the article is right.

Harry Potter beat Disney's Rapunzel, but one by a hair
      I like this article because it is totally WRONG!!!! Harry Potter should not be the number one movie. Tangled shouldn't be either. But either way Tangled should always be in front of Harry Potter. Harry Potter should be last. It says Harry Potter is the number one movie because it has made more money, but it is wrong!!!

Douglas' wish list: health and 'Liberace'
    This was an article about a 66 year old actor. He has cancer. He is still planning on playing a part in the movie Liberace. The movie is going to start shoot in May or June. He has been suffering cancer this past August. He is a trooper.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog Assignment #45 / The LA Times

          This talks about how people in L.A. can be notified on the crimes in their city or neighbor hood. It talked about how the police are setting up a program so people will know everything they need to know.  It is a good way to know the places you don't want to be around.  It was a good little article. It was very informative.

Serious actor became a comic star
      This article just talked about how a Canadian changed from serious acting to comedy. He had been in movies since the 1950's. It didn't say much about it. It was a good article though. I thought it was great. It said the movies that changed his carrer were 'Airplane' and 'Naked Gun' .

         Fast Track: Johnny Depp says 'gay' Jack Sparrow made Disney nervous
       This just talked about how he confessed that Disney didn't like his acting as Jack Sparrow. They said he played Sparrow to gay. I didn't think that sounded right. I liked his performance. It brought the whole movie together.


Broadway's 'Spider-Man' musical begins previews on a shaky note

          It talked about all the technical difficulties in the performance. They said it was a train wreck. The star was supossed to be flying, but  the wire weren't working. He was left dangling above the audience. I would not of wanted to be there.

Disney's Rich Ross is really crazy: He thinks Pixar should win a best picture Oscar
       It says that 'Up' should not of won best picture. It should have been 'Toy Story 3'. I agree. 'Up' was boring. 'Toy Story 3' was much better in every way. It should have won best picture. I liked 'Up' sort of. It was an okay movie, but 'Toy Story 3' was better.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Blog Assignment #44/ The BBC

Brazilian forces seize large drugs haul in Rio favela
        I like this story because it is a big police chase. The police found more than 30 tons of marijuana.
Drug traffickers were given a choice to surrender by sunset on Saturday or face an assault. The story had a lot of action.  It said that they seized the marijuana, which was packaged for delivery, from several houses in Grota.

Mexico gang boss 'admits murders'
       In this story their were 2,700 murders in Mexico! Arturo Gallegos Castrellon was the boss of the gang. He confessed to most of the killings in Mexico since August 2009. He and his gang members called themselves Aztecas. Aztecas gang members work as hitmen for the Juarez drug cartel. This was a really great story.

Heavy snow causes disruption across north of England
      More than 550 schools are closed and several flights have been cancelled in the north of England after more heavy snowfall.Up to 6in of snow fell in the North East causing Durham Tees Valley Airport and Newcastle Airport to close. Ice is also causing problems on roads in East and West Yorkshire where conditions are very hazardous. The snow is causing the people not to be able to fly or drive anywhere. They don't like this bad weather.

Iran dismisses Wikileaks release
       Iran's president has dismissed as propaganda the leaking of US cables detailing Arab calls for Washington to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities. The release by the Wikileaks website of thousands of extracts from US diplomatic messages was simply warfare against Iran.The release would not affect Iran's relationships with other countries. The release was reckless and put the lives of diplomats at risk. It talks a lot about how Obama is trying to make sure similar leaks don't happen again.

Dentist Howell's wife cries out to son as she is gassed
        The murdered wife of killer Colin Howell called to her eldest son as her husband gassed her. Howell confessed to police that his wife, Lesley, cried "Matthew", as he held a gas pipe to her face. I guess he didn't like his wife.Howell then dressed her body, put her in his car boot and drove to his former lover's home. There, he gassed her husband, Trevor Buchanan in May 1991.Howell used poisonous gas to kill both of his victims in May 1991.The bodies of Lesley Howell, 31, and Trevor Buchanan, 32, were found in a car full of exhaust fumes in Castlerock in 1991. This was a very interesting story.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blog Assignment #40- 41 Cub Paper Ideas

1. polls
2. articles
3. surveys
4. who am I
5. jokes
6. students voice
7. upcoming events
8. interviews
9. food for thought
10.animal of the month
11. trivia
12. movie reviews
13. eyes wide open
14. book reviews
15. book of the month
16 movie of the month
17. actress of the month
18 singer of the month
19 weird word
20.tongue twister
21 recipes
22.season articles
23. nonsense poem
24. poem
25. football trivia
26. student of the month
27 teacher of the month
28 -vs-
29. comics
30 pictures
31weird animals
32. about school
33. random facts
34. random facts about dogs
35 random animal
36. favorite cars
37. favorite animal
38 favorite website
39 favorite book
40. favorite movie
41. favorite drink
42. country of the month
43 language of the month of the month
45 crazy cover sheet
46 cub newspaper workers of the month
47 note from teacher
48 note from principle
49 articles about people on the newspaper
50 praise reports __________________________________________________________________________________
Who am I?
      "Who am I?" is a fun game. Everyone can play it. It is a fun game you can play anytime.You can win really cool prizes. It also helps you to get to know you classmates and teachers better. It is a helpful way to find out facts.
      It is an awesome game. It is fun for the publisher too. The person who makes it gets to pick a student or a teacher and find things out about them. All you do is get a sheet of paper and get them to fill it out. It is not hard at all.
       It is a fun party game too. You can have bucket loads of fun with it. It is a mystery. Most of the time you get candy for winning. It is really good candy too. It is just a fun little game. It is very simple. It is very very fun.
      All the person does is read the article and try to find out who the person is. It is not a long article. It is a short article that has easy words. It doesn't take much effort. I know that some people are lazy so all you have to do is read. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Actress of the Month
      This lets the children have variety. They can actually pick who they want an article about in the newspaper. It is so fun for the children. They can say I like her and I don't like her. It can only be a girl actress though. You try to keep it in the Disney Channel.
       If you keep it limited to good actresses, it doesn't harm the kids. I like the idea of being able to pick what I want in the newspaper. It gives me something to do. I think that it is not a bad idea. I think that the students will like it.
        The children will love being able to pick. They won't just sit around and wait for the newspaper. It is so cool. They love have some responsibility. They are not useless although some may act useless. It makes them so happy to for you.
         This is a great idea. They should do this in newspapers everywhere. I know that children would love that. Newspapers now are not fun at all. It will make the students love newspapers once again. I know the children would love that. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Crazy Cover Sheet
             I think this will give kids something to do when they get bored. They can do it after test. They can use it to cover their test. They can color it. It is just a fun thing to. It will have games on it. I think the students will love it.
             They will have so much fun with it. I know I will love it. I love the games that we can do on paper now-a days. It is so cool. I think the kids will have an awesome time playing on it. I know that it will be awesome.
             It is so so cool. The people who make it will have fun too. They can find out what kids want to do. It is so hard and fun. Kids like to be on the newspaper. It gives them work to do. It makes them feel good to make a cover sheet for the kids.
             I think everyone will enjoy a crazy cover sheet. I know I would. Everyone will have a blast with a crazy cover sheet. If I had a survey, almost everyone would vote for the crazy cover sheet. It will probally be the best thing in the newspaper.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blog Assignment #39/ 5 Fav. Hobbies

1. Swimming
      I love to swim. It is so refreshing and fun. I love swimming when the pool is cold, but it is really hot outside. It is just so fun. I love swimming parties. It is so awesome to be able to swim with my friends. I think it is so cool and refreshing to be able to swim.
 2. Texting
     Texting is so much easier than calling and talking. It is a better way to talk to someone if you are hoarse. You can text them just if you don't want to talk to them. It is a better way to communicate. I love it. It is so much easier and so much better to use.
3 watching tv
       Watching tv is so easy. You don't have to do anything. If you are tired, you just sit in front of the tv and watch. Sometimes all you have to do is listen. It is so easy. People might think that I am lazy, but I am really not I just like to watch tv.
4. playing on the computer
        I don't get on my computer much. I just got my computer in the beginning of school. I got it on August 15 for a birthday present on my birthday. It is so fun to get on the computer and play. You can do whatever you want. You have to make sure that it is not bad though. It is fun to get on facebook and youtube. I make scrapbooks and things like that on my computer. I make calenders to with my own pictures.
 5. ride bikes
     I like to ride bikes with my mom. My dogs come with us. I sometimes bring my friends too. It is great exercise to ride bikes. It gets you healthy and in shape. I love to ride really fast down hills. It is so fun. It is more fun than walking. I love to go bike riding, but not as much as I love everything else.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Blog Assignment #38 / 5 Fav. Books

 1. The Lightning Thief
    I like this book because it has a bunch of action. I could not put it down. It was so hard to be not reading it. It is also AR. My favorite character was Annabeth. She is the daughter of Athena. I liked the books I just hated what the Greek Mythology taught.
 2. The Sea of Monsters
     This is another Percy Jackson book. It is also AR. I read this book first. It was a really good book. I loved all the action. Again my favorite character was Annabeth Chase. I liked how they had to cross the Sea of monsters to save Grover. It was a really good book.

3. The Titan's Curse
       This is also a Percy Jackson book. It is also AR. I hated how Zoe and Bianca died. It was so sad. I liked how they defeated the Titan. It was a really awesome book. It was very action packed. I love books like this.
4. The Battle of the Labyrinth
    This book is another one of the Percy Jackson books. It is also AR. I recently read all of the books. They were so awesome. In this book Quintus dies. It is sad. In the end everything is alright because Kronos doesn't take over Camp Half Blood.
5. The Last Olympian
      This was the last book of the Percy Jackson series. It is AR. I liked this book the most. I am going to read the new Percy Jackson book too. It is AR. I loved this book. They defeated Kronos in this book. In the end everything was fine.

Friday, November 5, 2010

"Blog assignment #37/ 5 Fav. Movies

1. Wizards of Waverly Place the Movie
      I love this movie because it has a bunch of action in it. It is an awesome movie. I love to watch it. I have it on my IPhone. It is the best movie ever. I love to watch it at any time in the day. I just Love this movie!
 2. Letters to Juliet
     Letters to Juliet is an amazing Love story. Sophie is engaged, but she doesn't marry the person she is engaged to. She marries Charlie. It is such a romantic movie. I love to watch it.
3. Mamma Mia
            I love this movie because it is funny and romantic. I love musicals. It is a movie based on a musical. I love this movie so so much. I would hate to have never seen this movie.
 4. Dear John
     I love how in this movie John is in the military. Amanda Seyfried falls in love with John. I don't know the name of the person she plays. It is such a great movie though I love it. It is one of the best movie you can ever see.
5. Princess Protection program
     I love Disney movies. This movie has my two favorite celebrities in it. I like Selena Gomez the best. I like how funny this movie is. It is the best movie ever!! I like to watch this movie alot.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blog assignment #36/ 5 Fav. Bands

 1.Selena Gomez and the Scene
      I like to listen to Selena Gomez and the Scene because I love her songs. She almost always sings fast music. I like her slow music to. She is my favorite singer ever. She is the best singer on Disney channel.
 2. The Jonas Brothers
    I like their music because it is always different. They are really good singers too. I like to listen to their fast music. Their music is really cool. I love to listen to their new music.

 3. Allstar weekend
      I like their music because it is always fast. Their songs are always played on Disney channel.They have really good voices too. I like to listen to their music alot. their band is so cool.
4. Demi Lovato's band
    She doesn't have a name for her band. Her music is still really cool. I like her music. I don't care whether it is slow or fast her music is really good. She is a really good singer.

 5. Hannah Montana's band
     I like her old songs. I don't like her. She had really cool songs in her early years of Hannah Montana. I like her songs like pumpin up the party. Her songs now are just weird.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Blog Assignment #35/My Weekend

    On Friday I went to the all-day in school play-day. It was really fun. After that I went to CC's. I got a BIG chocolate chip cookie. I also got a strawberry-banana smoothie. After that I was supposed to work the 99,but I couldn't hold up that long. I just walked through it. It was really scary. I learned I couldn't hold up that long on October 23 when I almost passed out.
      On Saturday I slept until I woke up. I basically just watched TV. I didn't do much. I was just at home all day. I didn't do anything. It was a good day for me to rest. I finally got to watch the movie, The Boy Who Cried Werewolf.
      On Sunday I woke up. I went to church. I didn't get to read the comics. I ate breakfast. I watched TV all day. I went to the fall fest at Zoar. I got alot of candy. I had McDonald's for dinner along with a bunch of candy.
       The weekend was a very good weekend. I loved it. I like not doing anything much, but just resting. It was a really good weekend. I hope to have another one like it next weekend. I love sleeping late. It is just so so fun.

1.Make it to the eighth grade
2.make all A's
3. keep getting AR points so I can get a play-day
4. have a good School year
5.get every redemption day
6. get perfect attendance
7. learn to write faster
8. learn to type faster
9. make really good newspapers
10. do really good in school

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog #34/National Geographic

Halloween Facts 2010

Who? Halloween costumes
What? They wore animal skins in the beginning
When? 2,000 ago
Where? Europe
Why? They did it for new years
How? They sacrificed to the false "gods"

Odd New Monkey Found, Eaten

Who? new species of monkey
What? endangered species
When? Now
Where? in Myanmar
Why? local hunters killed it
How? shot it and wanted to eat monkey meat

"Zombie Virus" Possible?

Who? a dog with rabies
What? Acts zombie-like
When? yesterday
Where?It doesn't say where.
Why? the dog got rabies
How? the stages of rabies paralyzed him/her and made him/her act like a zombie

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog Assignment #33/Foreign News

Somalia seen as most corrupt nation
Who? This article is about Somalia.
What?Somalia is the most corrupt country in the world.
When? This is happening now
Where? This is happening in Somalia.
Why? They need to make more efforts to towards strong governance structures across the globe.
How? They don't have a good governance.

Indonesia volcano death toll soars 
 Who? This is about Indonesia's Mount Merapi
What? Indonesia's Mount Merapi is beginning to erupt.
When? This is happening now.
Where? This is in Indonesia.
Why? No one knows why the volcano is erupting. It is probably because God wants it to.
How? God is making the volcano erupt.

Clashes erupt at Israel march
Who? This is about the Israelites and Palestinians.
What?Violent clashes have broken out between Palestinian-Israelis and Israeli police in response to a demonstration by members of a right-wing Jewish group in the town of Umm al-Fahm in northern Israel.When? This is happening now.
Where? This is in Israel.
Why? It was illegal.
How? They got arrested.

UN criticises Greek asylum system

Who? This is about the UN and Greece.
What?Illegal immigrants are sneaking into Greece.
When? This is happening now.
Where? This is in Greece.
Why? Greece needs a new asylum system.
How? Greece's asylum system is dysfunctional.

Health Minister on visit to Cyprus 
 Who? This is about Andreas Loverdos
What?Greece's health and social solidarity minister Andreas Loverdos arrived Tuesday night in Cyprus for a two-day official visit, from 26-28 October, at the invitation of Minister of Health of the Republic of Cyprus Christos Patsalides.
When? This was on Tuesday. 
Where? This was in Cyprus.
Why? This was for the Minister of health of the Republic.
How? Andreas Loverdos was invited.

Deputy Foreign Minister Kouvelis in Istanbul

Who? This is about Deputy Foreign Minister Spyros Kouvelis.
What? He went to Turkey.
When? This was on Tuesday.
Where? He is in Turkey.
Why? He is there to be a minister.
How? He spoke of the beauty of nature.

11 applications to run Iceland’s EU info centre

Who? This article was about 11 offers.
What?11 offers were received from those who want to run the European Union information centre in Iceland.
When? This was yesterday.
Where?This was in Iceland.
Why? They were offered to run the European Union information centre.
How? They just did.

Raccoon dog thwarts experiment by becoming roadkill

Who? This is about a raccoon dog.
What?Hopes in Denmark of discovering more about the invasive species, the raccoon dog, were literally crushed last week when the first ever live specimen was run over by a car.
When? This was last week.
Where? This is in Denmark.
Why?They wanted the raccoon dog.
How? The raccoon dog got hit by a car.

Supermarket floor fumes hospitalise 43

Who?Dozens of people in Greenland.
What?Dozens of people have been hospitalised in Greenland after inhaling toxic fumes from a supermarket floor.
When? This  is hapening today.
Where? This is in Maniitsoq, western Greenland.
Why? They inhaled toxic fumes.
How? The store had toxic fumes in it's floor.