Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blog Assignment #39/ 5 Fav. Hobbies

1. Swimming
      I love to swim. It is so refreshing and fun. I love swimming when the pool is cold, but it is really hot outside. It is just so fun. I love swimming parties. It is so awesome to be able to swim with my friends. I think it is so cool and refreshing to be able to swim.
 2. Texting
     Texting is so much easier than calling and talking. It is a better way to talk to someone if you are hoarse. You can text them just if you don't want to talk to them. It is a better way to communicate. I love it. It is so much easier and so much better to use.
3 watching tv
       Watching tv is so easy. You don't have to do anything. If you are tired, you just sit in front of the tv and watch. Sometimes all you have to do is listen. It is so easy. People might think that I am lazy, but I am really not I just like to watch tv.
4. playing on the computer
        I don't get on my computer much. I just got my computer in the beginning of school. I got it on August 15 for a birthday present on my birthday. It is so fun to get on the computer and play. You can do whatever you want. You have to make sure that it is not bad though. It is fun to get on facebook and youtube. I make scrapbooks and things like that on my computer. I make calenders to with my own pictures.
 5. ride bikes
     I like to ride bikes with my mom. My dogs come with us. I sometimes bring my friends too. It is great exercise to ride bikes. It gets you healthy and in shape. I love to ride really fast down hills. It is so fun. It is more fun than walking. I love to go bike riding, but not as much as I love everything else.

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