Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blog Assignment #40- 41 Cub Paper Ideas

1. polls
2. articles
3. surveys
4. who am I
5. jokes
6. students voice
7. upcoming events
8. interviews
9. food for thought
10.animal of the month
11. trivia
12. movie reviews
13. eyes wide open
14. book reviews
15. book of the month
16 movie of the month
17. actress of the month
18 singer of the month
19 weird word
20.tongue twister
21 recipes
22.season articles
23. nonsense poem
24. poem
25. football trivia
26. student of the month
27 teacher of the month
28 -vs-
29. comics
30 pictures
31weird animals
32. about school
33. random facts
34. random facts about dogs
35 random animal
36. favorite cars
37. favorite animal
38 favorite website
39 favorite book
40. favorite movie
41. favorite drink
42. country of the month
43 language of the month of the month
45 crazy cover sheet
46 cub newspaper workers of the month
47 note from teacher
48 note from principle
49 articles about people on the newspaper
50 praise reports __________________________________________________________________________________
Who am I?
      "Who am I?" is a fun game. Everyone can play it. It is a fun game you can play anytime.You can win really cool prizes. It also helps you to get to know you classmates and teachers better. It is a helpful way to find out facts.
      It is an awesome game. It is fun for the publisher too. The person who makes it gets to pick a student or a teacher and find things out about them. All you do is get a sheet of paper and get them to fill it out. It is not hard at all.
       It is a fun party game too. You can have bucket loads of fun with it. It is a mystery. Most of the time you get candy for winning. It is really good candy too. It is just a fun little game. It is very simple. It is very very fun.
      All the person does is read the article and try to find out who the person is. It is not a long article. It is a short article that has easy words. It doesn't take much effort. I know that some people are lazy so all you have to do is read. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Actress of the Month
      This lets the children have variety. They can actually pick who they want an article about in the newspaper. It is so fun for the children. They can say I like her and I don't like her. It can only be a girl actress though. You try to keep it in the Disney Channel.
       If you keep it limited to good actresses, it doesn't harm the kids. I like the idea of being able to pick what I want in the newspaper. It gives me something to do. I think that it is not a bad idea. I think that the students will like it.
        The children will love being able to pick. They won't just sit around and wait for the newspaper. It is so cool. They love have some responsibility. They are not useless although some may act useless. It makes them so happy to for you.
         This is a great idea. They should do this in newspapers everywhere. I know that children would love that. Newspapers now are not fun at all. It will make the students love newspapers once again. I know the children would love that. ___________________________________________________________________________________
Crazy Cover Sheet
             I think this will give kids something to do when they get bored. They can do it after test. They can use it to cover their test. They can color it. It is just a fun thing to. It will have games on it. I think the students will love it.
             They will have so much fun with it. I know I will love it. I love the games that we can do on paper now-a days. It is so cool. I think the kids will have an awesome time playing on it. I know that it will be awesome.
             It is so so cool. The people who make it will have fun too. They can find out what kids want to do. It is so hard and fun. Kids like to be on the newspaper. It gives them work to do. It makes them feel good to make a cover sheet for the kids.
             I think everyone will enjoy a crazy cover sheet. I know I would. Everyone will have a blast with a crazy cover sheet. If I had a survey, almost everyone would vote for the crazy cover sheet. It will probally be the best thing in the newspaper.

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