Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blog Assignment #52 /Midterm Assignment

#1.     In this cover story it talks about the new Narnia movie. They say this movie hasn't made enough money. They might not do a fourth movie. There were seven books though. It would be terrible not to have a fourth movie.
         I think they should still make another movie. They say that more Christians need to go see the movie. Not everybody who goes to see the movie understands that it is for Christians. I think they should understand that people don't really understand. It isn't that hard.
      It would be great if they would make another movie. It just depends on the money they make. This Narnia isn't making alot of money. I don't see why. People say it is a good movie. I just don't understand why some people don't want to see it.

#2. Kodak Photo Story

#3. THE LOST HERO, by Rick Riordan
               This book is Greek mythology. I read it. It is really good. It is 553 pages long. It takes about 2 weeks to read. It has some Greek gods/goddesses in it. It is AR. I think it is about 19 points. It is really good book. Everybody should read it. It is the sequel to the "Percy Jackson Series".
               The main characters are Jason, Piper, and Leo. One day Jason wakes up not knowing who he was. He was at the wilderness school. There he meets Piper and Leo. The Mist makes people not see the truth. Piper and Leo thought they knew Jason, but they really didn't. Piper thought she was Jason's girlfriend, but they aren't. Leo thought Jason was his best friend, but Jason had never seen Leo before in his life. Annabeth (daughter of Athena) and Butch (son of Iris, the goddess of the rainbow and messages) were looking for Percy ( son of Poseidon and Annabeth's boyfriend). Instead they found Jason, Piper, and Leo. Three new half-bloods so they bring them to Camp half-blood. At Camp half-blood they find out Jason was the son of Zeus, Piper was the daughter of Aphrodite, and Leo was the son of Hephaestus.
               Piper, Jason, and Leo get sent on a quest to save Hera. They go through hard times trying to save Hera (goddess of marriage). Hera was the one who wiped Jason's memory. She put him in the wilderness school. She was responsible for everything. It all probably wouldn't of happened if Jason's mom wouldn't of given him to Hera. The reason why Jason's mom did that was because Hera was angry. Zeus (Hera's husband) had to chidren with Jason's mom. Zeus had Thalia and Jason. Well actually Zeus had Thalia, and Jupiter had Jason. Jupiter is Zeus's Roman form. Zeus gave Jason to Hera so Hera wouldn't be angry. Then Hera did everything. In the end something very surprising happens. I do to ruin the surprise, but Percy happens to be just like Jason. The only difference is Jason ended up in a Greek camp which is nicer and Percy will end up in a Roman camp which will not be friendly.


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