Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blog Assignment #51/ The BR Daily Report

Can public education be saved?

This story is about poor kids. The kids need support from their parents. Outside of school they sometimes have to dodge bullets. It is very sad. Some don't even own a book outside school.It is so sad that they can't even afford a book. They need help.

Chicken processor to open Bastrop Plant and hire 300
     A chicken processor company was giving 300 jobs to people who needed them. Governor Jindal told a newspaper that is was located in Mississippi. The plant will also give 900 other jobs.The company makes boats and sells chicken. A recent paper mill made 550 without jobs, that's when this opened up.

U.S. jobless claims drop 
      There is not of claims for the unemployed this year. It changed to 42,100 in one week, which is less than last years. This is a great thing because it means Americans are working for their money. The drop is lowest since August of 2008. That's awesome

Suppliers say new iPad coming in early 2011
       The Apple company is coming out with a 2nd generation iPad. The company thinks in the market in early 2011. Similar to the new iPhone and iPod touch, the new model of the iPad will have a camera on the front and back! The new ipad will have much better qualities as far as the picture, and weight. The Apple company will be done designing this new iPad in January, but it will start being sold in April.


    A new show called "Son of Guns" is airing on Discovery next month. It is about a Baton Rouge gun shop. The name of the shop is Red Jacket Firearms.  It will come on Monday nights at 9. It will air on January 24th. I think this will be interesting to watch because it shows that a store from a small town can become famous!


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