Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog Assignment #32/What's In the News

Iran fuels first nuclear reactor - is a link

Who? This is about Iran. 
What?Iran has begun loading fuel into the core of its first nuclear power plant.
When? It marks a key stage in the beginning of the Bushehr plant, which is set to produce electricity from 2011.
Where? This is in Iran.
Why? They want to produce electricity in a nuclear way.
How? They are putting fuel into a nuclear plant.

Could you stay silent for eight days? - is a link
Who? This article is about noise.
What? They want to know if you could go without noise.
When? This is happening now.
Where? This is in the UK.
Why? It is just to test your skills.
How? Stop all noise and see how comfortable you are.

Fans mourn demise of Paul the World Cup octopus  -is a link

Who? This is about Paul the Octopus.

What? Paul died in his tank in Germany.

When? this happened in 2010.

Where? This happened in his tank in Germany.

Why? He was an old octopus.

How? He died of old age.


Male Drivers Lost Longer Than Women - is a link

Who? This is about drivers.

What? Male drivers get lost because they don't ask for directions.

When?This happens every year.

Where? This happens every where.

Why? They don't like to ask for directions like women do.

How? Male drivers get lost  because they are stubborn.

'Four Loko' Drink Hospitalizes Students  - is a link

Who? This is about some students.
What?The company behind a controversial caffeinated alcoholic beverage that's believed to have caused the sickening of dozens of Central Washington University students said it was the mixing of alcohol and possibly drugs that made the students seriously ill.
When? This happened on October 8.
Where? This happened at Central Washington University.
Why? The students were at a party.
How? The students drank Four Loko.

McCain: Too Early To Endorse Palin For 2012  -is a link

Who? This is about John McCain.
What? John McCain said that Sarah Palin woould be a good president.
When? This was this morning.
Where? This is in Alaska.
Why? He thought she would be a good president.
How? He said it.


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