Thursday, October 21, 2010

blog assignment #30/10 Fav. Web-sites

  I like to play game like farmville and fishworld on there. It is fun. You can chat with your friends and post on their walls.You can post pictures and videos. It is just a really fun website.

    It is really fun to play games on. I like to play the games from Brandy and Mr. Whiskers and the other old Disney shows. I also like to play the games for Good luck Charlie. It is just a fun website for kids to go on. All the games are really fun.

     I normally get on this when I want to read the bible. I read something and write down something that I felt happened to me that goes along with the scripture. I also use it for my Bible homework. It is an easy way to get my homework down faster. I love going on the website.

     I get on this for my homework in Bible. It is the website Mrs. Alexander said to use for homework. It is not hard to use. You log into your class. Then log into your individual thing. Then you click Assignments and do the assignment. It is not hard at all.
     I get on this to get my blogger assignment. I have to so I know what to do during class. It is a computer class. It is a really helpful website.I like knowing what I have to do.
    I get on this to do my Blogger Assignment. I have to get on it or else I could fail. I get on it every school day. It is actually so easy. You log on and start typing. I like it because it is so easy to use.
     I get on this website when I need help finding something. It gives you all the information you need to know. It is a really helpful website. I love being able to type in a subject and it getting there so quickly. It is a  really good website.

    I like to get on because it is so wacky. It is a really cool website. It is so so so fun to get on. It is so weird sometimes. It shows a web show. I think it sometimes shows web shows from icarly the show. Either way it is a fun website to go on.
    I go on google to find anything I need. It helps so so so much. It is really a good website. You can find anything on there. It even helps you find other websites!!!
      I go on this website because I like to go to the movies. It is so fun to be able to find a movie and go watch it. It is so fast to. You can just find movies and buy tickets on it though. It is still easy and helpful.

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