Monday, October 25, 2010

Blog Assignment #31/My Choice Feature".

GREEK MYTHOLOGY             
             Greek Mythology is bad. Their books like the Percy Jackson series are good books,but they don't teach the right thing. They have all these FALSE gods. It is very bad for the mind of children.The children who don't know Jesus shouldn't try to learn about Greek Mythology.
             I like the books. The Percy Jackson series were probably the best books I have ever read.It is very entertaining to read. You just need to know that Jesus Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit are the beings you need to follow. I think that the authors should put "don't believe what you just read" in the back of the book.
             In Greek Mythology they have so many gods. I am so so so glad that I only have to remember the name of the ONE true God. It is so hard to figure out all the names of their gods. Some of the names are Poseidon, Athena, Aphrodite, Zeus, Hades, and Ares. I'm glad I don't  have to remember all those names. It is interesting to learn in History class, but not if you don't know who the one true God is.
         It is a very interesting topic. To learn about this you have to have very good memorization skills. I don't like to memorize many things. It is to hard to learn.I wouldn't like to learn about it until I read the books and until I knew the one true God and that no one would be able to take him from me. God is the one everyone should love. He loves and made everyone.
        I hope no one actually takes this stuff seriously.It is very hard to stress how much this stuff will harm you. You will go to Hell. I want to go to HEAVEN ,but only Christians go to heaven. If you love Jesus Christ you will go to Heaven.
         God will help you through hard times. You won't regret becoming a Christian. It will be the BEST decision that you ever make. If you don't become a Christian you will die. You need to love God as your Lord and Savior.It will help you so much!! MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE!!!!!!!!

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