Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog #34/National Geographic

Halloween Facts 2010

Who? Halloween costumes
What? They wore animal skins in the beginning
When? 2,000 ago
Where? Europe
Why? They did it for new years
How? They sacrificed to the false "gods"

Odd New Monkey Found, Eaten

Who? new species of monkey
What? endangered species
When? Now
Where? in Myanmar
Why? local hunters killed it
How? shot it and wanted to eat monkey meat

"Zombie Virus" Possible?

Who? a dog with rabies
What? Acts zombie-like
When? yesterday
Where?It doesn't say where.
Why? the dog got rabies
How? the stages of rabies paralyzed him/her and made him/her act like a zombie

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog Assignment #33/Foreign News

Somalia seen as most corrupt nation
Who? This article is about Somalia.
What?Somalia is the most corrupt country in the world.
When? This is happening now
Where? This is happening in Somalia.
Why? They need to make more efforts to towards strong governance structures across the globe.
How? They don't have a good governance.

Indonesia volcano death toll soars 
 Who? This is about Indonesia's Mount Merapi
What? Indonesia's Mount Merapi is beginning to erupt.
When? This is happening now.
Where? This is in Indonesia.
Why? No one knows why the volcano is erupting. It is probably because God wants it to.
How? God is making the volcano erupt.

Clashes erupt at Israel march
Who? This is about the Israelites and Palestinians.
What?Violent clashes have broken out between Palestinian-Israelis and Israeli police in response to a demonstration by members of a right-wing Jewish group in the town of Umm al-Fahm in northern Israel.When? This is happening now.
Where? This is in Israel.
Why? It was illegal.
How? They got arrested.

UN criticises Greek asylum system

Who? This is about the UN and Greece.
What?Illegal immigrants are sneaking into Greece.
When? This is happening now.
Where? This is in Greece.
Why? Greece needs a new asylum system.
How? Greece's asylum system is dysfunctional.

Health Minister on visit to Cyprus 
 Who? This is about Andreas Loverdos
What?Greece's health and social solidarity minister Andreas Loverdos arrived Tuesday night in Cyprus for a two-day official visit, from 26-28 October, at the invitation of Minister of Health of the Republic of Cyprus Christos Patsalides.
When? This was on Tuesday. 
Where? This was in Cyprus.
Why? This was for the Minister of health of the Republic.
How? Andreas Loverdos was invited.

Deputy Foreign Minister Kouvelis in Istanbul

Who? This is about Deputy Foreign Minister Spyros Kouvelis.
What? He went to Turkey.
When? This was on Tuesday.
Where? He is in Turkey.
Why? He is there to be a minister.
How? He spoke of the beauty of nature.

11 applications to run Iceland’s EU info centre

Who? This article was about 11 offers.
What?11 offers were received from those who want to run the European Union information centre in Iceland.
When? This was yesterday.
Where?This was in Iceland.
Why? They were offered to run the European Union information centre.
How? They just did.

Raccoon dog thwarts experiment by becoming roadkill

Who? This is about a raccoon dog.
What?Hopes in Denmark of discovering more about the invasive species, the raccoon dog, were literally crushed last week when the first ever live specimen was run over by a car.
When? This was last week.
Where? This is in Denmark.
Why?They wanted the raccoon dog.
How? The raccoon dog got hit by a car.

Supermarket floor fumes hospitalise 43

Who?Dozens of people in Greenland.
What?Dozens of people have been hospitalised in Greenland after inhaling toxic fumes from a supermarket floor.
When? This  is hapening today.
Where? This is in Maniitsoq, western Greenland.
Why? They inhaled toxic fumes.
How? The store had toxic fumes in it's floor.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog Assignment #32/What's In the News

Iran fuels first nuclear reactor - is a link

Who? This is about Iran. 
What?Iran has begun loading fuel into the core of its first nuclear power plant.
When? It marks a key stage in the beginning of the Bushehr plant, which is set to produce electricity from 2011.
Where? This is in Iran.
Why? They want to produce electricity in a nuclear way.
How? They are putting fuel into a nuclear plant.

Could you stay silent for eight days? - is a link
Who? This article is about noise.
What? They want to know if you could go without noise.
When? This is happening now.
Where? This is in the UK.
Why? It is just to test your skills.
How? Stop all noise and see how comfortable you are.

Fans mourn demise of Paul the World Cup octopus  -is a link

Who? This is about Paul the Octopus.

What? Paul died in his tank in Germany.

When? this happened in 2010.

Where? This happened in his tank in Germany.

Why? He was an old octopus.

How? He died of old age.


Male Drivers Lost Longer Than Women - is a link

Who? This is about drivers.

What? Male drivers get lost because they don't ask for directions.

When?This happens every year.

Where? This happens every where.

Why? They don't like to ask for directions like women do.

How? Male drivers get lost  because they are stubborn.

'Four Loko' Drink Hospitalizes Students  - is a link

Who? This is about some students.
What?The company behind a controversial caffeinated alcoholic beverage that's believed to have caused the sickening of dozens of Central Washington University students said it was the mixing of alcohol and possibly drugs that made the students seriously ill.
When? This happened on October 8.
Where? This happened at Central Washington University.
Why? The students were at a party.
How? The students drank Four Loko.

McCain: Too Early To Endorse Palin For 2012  -is a link

Who? This is about John McCain.
What? John McCain said that Sarah Palin woould be a good president.
When? This was this morning.
Where? This is in Alaska.
Why? He thought she would be a good president.
How? He said it.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Blog Assignment #31/My Choice Feature".

GREEK MYTHOLOGY             
             Greek Mythology is bad. Their books like the Percy Jackson series are good books,but they don't teach the right thing. They have all these FALSE gods. It is very bad for the mind of children.The children who don't know Jesus shouldn't try to learn about Greek Mythology.
             I like the books. The Percy Jackson series were probably the best books I have ever read.It is very entertaining to read. You just need to know that Jesus Christ, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit are the beings you need to follow. I think that the authors should put "don't believe what you just read" in the back of the book.
             In Greek Mythology they have so many gods. I am so so so glad that I only have to remember the name of the ONE true God. It is so hard to figure out all the names of their gods. Some of the names are Poseidon, Athena, Aphrodite, Zeus, Hades, and Ares. I'm glad I don't  have to remember all those names. It is interesting to learn in History class, but not if you don't know who the one true God is.
         It is a very interesting topic. To learn about this you have to have very good memorization skills. I don't like to memorize many things. It is to hard to learn.I wouldn't like to learn about it until I read the books and until I knew the one true God and that no one would be able to take him from me. God is the one everyone should love. He loves and made everyone.
        I hope no one actually takes this stuff seriously.It is very hard to stress how much this stuff will harm you. You will go to Hell. I want to go to HEAVEN ,but only Christians go to heaven. If you love Jesus Christ you will go to Heaven.
         God will help you through hard times. You won't regret becoming a Christian. It will be the BEST decision that you ever make. If you don't become a Christian you will die. You need to love God as your Lord and Savior.It will help you so much!! MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Blog Assignment #26 / NYTimes Travel

San Diego
36 Hours in San Diego
        If San Diego feels half empty, that's because it is. At any given time, swarms of residents moved a few miles south to Mexico or a few miles north to upscale resort towns. Also, the Navy is the area's largest employer, so a big chunk is  floating around on aircraft carriers somewhere. Is it any wonder, then, that the town leans so heavily on big tourist attractions (Shamu, the zoo)? A deeper look, however, will reveal more personality than you think. A necklace of quirky, sun-kissed neighborhoods rings downtown, from surfer hangouts like Pacific Beach to cool neighborhoods like University Heights. Restaurants are cool too. There is even an history which for Southern California, is a headline in itself.

San Francisco
36 Hours in San Francisco
         For much of the 1990s, San Francisco’s Mission District maintained a good balance between its colorful Latino roots and a subculture. Rising real estate prices not only threatened the Mission’s working-class enclave, but also its status as the city’s center of all things edgy and artsy. Boutique knick-knack shops came in alongside dollar stores. But prosperity did not sap the district of its cultural eclecticism. With a population that is about half Latino, a third white and an estimated 11 percent Asian, the Mission still remains a wonderful mishmash. Where else can you find epicurean vegan cafes, feisty nonprofits and a Central American butcher shop that, for a memorable time.

36 Hours in Santa Monica, Calif. 
       Venice (to the south) has its charms, and Malibu (up north) is celebrity central, but only Santa Monica feels homey. Residents enjoy cultural institutions, athletic facilities, and stores and restaurants of the highest order. In August, Santa Monica Place, an awesome indoor-outdoor mall a few blocks from the beach, reopened, with offerings both high and low (a food court with priceless sunset-over-the-ocean views). The local art scene heated up this fall with the arrival of L&M Arts, Los Angeles (660 Venice Boulevard), a branch of the blue-chip New York gallery. The space in a former power station in Venice near the Santa Monica border  was inaugurated with new works by the Los Angeles-based conceptual artist Paul McCarthy, on view through November 6.

         I would most likely want to visit San Diego. It looks so cool. I would love to go see Shamu in a different state. It would be fun to learn history there too. I think it would be cool to eat some of there culutural food. It looks like a very fun place to go.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

blog assignment #30/10 Fav. Web-sites

  I like to play game like farmville and fishworld on there. It is fun. You can chat with your friends and post on their walls.You can post pictures and videos. It is just a really fun website.

    It is really fun to play games on. I like to play the games from Brandy and Mr. Whiskers and the other old Disney shows. I also like to play the games for Good luck Charlie. It is just a fun website for kids to go on. All the games are really fun.

     I normally get on this when I want to read the bible. I read something and write down something that I felt happened to me that goes along with the scripture. I also use it for my Bible homework. It is an easy way to get my homework down faster. I love going on the website.

     I get on this for my homework in Bible. It is the website Mrs. Alexander said to use for homework. It is not hard to use. You log into your class. Then log into your individual thing. Then you click Assignments and do the assignment. It is not hard at all.
     I get on this to get my blogger assignment. I have to so I know what to do during class. It is a computer class. It is a really helpful website.I like knowing what I have to do.
    I get on this to do my Blogger Assignment. I have to get on it or else I could fail. I get on it every school day. It is actually so easy. You log on and start typing. I like it because it is so easy to use.
     I get on this website when I need help finding something. It gives you all the information you need to know. It is a really helpful website. I love being able to type in a subject and it getting there so quickly. It is a  really good website.

    I like to get on because it is so wacky. It is a really cool website. It is so so so fun to get on. It is so weird sometimes. It shows a web show. I think it sometimes shows web shows from icarly the show. Either way it is a fun website to go on.
    I go on google to find anything I need. It helps so so so much. It is really a good website. You can find anything on there. It even helps you find other websites!!!
      I go on this website because I like to go to the movies. It is so fun to be able to find a movie and go watch it. It is so fast to. You can just find movies and buy tickets on it though. It is still easy and helpful.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog assignment #29/Facebook

      Facebook is a website where you can chat with your friends. You can play games and post pictures. You can say who you want to be friends with ,and who you don't want to be friends with. We use it to have fun. Sometimes people don't use it right though. It is very sad.
    I get on faceboook when I'm bored. It is easy to use. If you have a question you can chat with your friends or you can post it on their wall. It can be harmful by becoming friends with the wrong people. If you are friends with people you don't actually know, it can be very bad. You never know what they will post on your wall.
    It is a fun website if you use it right. You shouldn't post pictures sthat are bad. Yes, it is fun to post pictures, but you need to make sure they are appropriate pictures. If you post something on your wall that is bad, it can't change. Once you post something, you  can't deletet it. So you need to use the website right.
    I think people shouldn't be on facebook all the time. I just get on it after I finish my homework if there is nothing on tv to watch. It  should not be like you can't do anything, but be on facebook. You should still be able to do other things like go outside, sleep, have friends over, and do a lot of other stuff. Facebook shouldn't be your life.
  Facebook should be your last alternative. You shouldn't even get on it much. It is fun when you have nothing else to do, but you should get bored with it after a couple hours. It is cool to be able to go on it, but we need to know when it is time to get off the computer and go do something else. Some days you shoouldn't even get on facebook just so you don't get addicted to it. It is a fun website, but it can be harmful.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog Assignment #27 part 2

cast                                  anxiety
                              on Jesus
Jesus cares           for                                    you

                   loves                                  you

cast your anxiety on Jesus.

Blog Assignment #27 part 1


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog Assignment #25/Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin

           Sarah Louise Palin was born on February11, 1964.She was the youngest person and first female to become governer of Alaska. She was the first Alaskan on the national ticket of a major party, as well as the first female vice-presidential nominee of the Republican Party. In 2008 she was John Mcain's running mate. She was running to be vice president. On July 3, 2009, Palin announced she would not seek reelection as governor. She was resigning for good.
              In November 2009, her autobiography Going Rogue: An American Life was released and it quickly became a best-seller. It sold more than two million copies. In January 2010, Palin began providing political commentary to the Fox News Channel under a multi-year contract. It was announced in March 2010 that she was to host her own TV show, called Sarah Palin's Alaska. Palin is authoring a second book, America by Heart, which is expected to be on shelves by November 23, 2010.
          In June 2007, Palin signed a record $6.6 billion operating budget into law. At the same time, she used her veto power to make the second-largest cuts of the construction budget in state history. The $237 million in cuts represented over 300 local projects, and reduced the construction budget to $1.6 billion. Palin followed through on a campaign promise to sell the Westwind II jet, a purchase made by the Murkowski administration for $2.7 million in  against the wishes of the legislature. The jet was later sold for $2.1 million.
              In 2005, before Palin was elected governor, Congress passed a $442-million earmark for constructing two Alaska bridges.The Gravina Island Bridge received nationwide attention as a symbol of pork-barrel spending, following news reports that the bridge would cost $233 million in Federal funds. Because Gravina Island, the site of the Ketchikan airport, has a population of 50, the bridge became known nationally as the "Bridge to Nowhere". Following an outcry by the public and some members of the US Senate, Congress eliminated the bridge earmark from the spending bill but gave the allotted funds to Alaska as part of its general transportation fund.  In 2006, Palin ran for governor with a "build-the-bridge" plank in her platform.
            Her siblings are Chuck, Jr., Heather (Bruce), and Molly (McCann).While Palin was an infant, the family moved to Alaska, where her father found more opportunities for his teaching job.The family first lived in Eagle River, but moved to Wasilla in 1972, when she was 8 years old. Palin played flute in the junior high band, then attended Wasilla High School where she was a member of the girls' basketball and cross country running teams. During her senior year, she was co-captain and point guard of the basketball team that won the Alaska state championship, earning the nickname "Sarah Barracuda" for her competitive streak.