Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Blog Assignment #5

Half a million nutria killed from Nov-March
Who-This article is about nutria rats.
What-Trappers are selling the nutria rat tails for 2.2 million dollars.
When-This happened in the 2009-2010 season.
Where-This happened in Louisiana, mostly in Terrebonne Parish.
Why-The trappers wanted money.
How-The trappers trapped and killed the nutria rats for there tails.

Arrest made in July shooting death
Who-This article is about Rico Anthony.
What-Rico was arrested because he shot David Young.
When-This happened July 29.
Where-He was arrested at 13906 Goodwood Blvd.
Why-He shot David Young.
How-An anonymous source told the police who shot David Young.

LSU to cut four languages
Who-This article is about Louisiana State University.
What-They are planning to eliminate four foreign language classes.
When- This is being planned for May.
Where-This will happen at LSU.
Why- The school is having budget cuts.
How-The university will let 14 faculty members go and close the classes.

Students may lose licenses
Who-This article is about students in the Lafayette School System.
What-They will lose their license if they get expelled.
When- Students may be expelled for up to one year.
Where-This will happen in Lafayette.
Why-State law allows schools to report students who are being expelled.
How-There is a Driving is a Priviledge policy.

Man booked in abuse of father
Who-This article is about Jack Bennett, Jr.
What-He was arrested for cruelty to his father.
When-The arrest occurred on Tuesday.
Where-This happened in Ponchatoula.
Why-He neglected and abused his father.
How-He was negligent toward his father.

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