Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blog Assignment #15: Africa/Storytelling

               The first video I watched was about Khardiata Dia. She is a girl who lives in Africa. She sweeps her front porch after school every day. She then goes to walk in the fields. There are animals there who keep her company. Then she likes to look at the trees. The trees she looks at are Baobab trees. They can live for hundreds of years.
                She is a calm girl. She does normal things. The video was beautiful. I loved how she showed the horses and other animals who keep her company. She isn't very rich. She is a beautiful young. That is all about the video.
               The next video I watched was about Cheikh Dia. He is a young boy. He created a montage of his typical Sunday. He first wakes up. Then he prays. He then goes out to the fields and plays with his friends. Then he helps his older brother with homework. At the end of the day his him and his family enjoy a quiet evening while they drink tea.
                      He studies alot. He prays everyday. He reads his Bible. He plays with his friends. He eats with his family. He is just a regular boy. He lives in Africa. He isn't rich. In Africa they sleep with nets around their beds so the don't get bitten by mosquitos.
                 The last video I watched was about Aldiouma Dia's mother taking milk from the cows and preparing it to be sold. Her mom gets the milk from the cows. She then  takes the butter off the top of the milk. Then she stirrs the milk to make it drinkable.Her mom then puts in a little bit of sugar to make it taste good.
            Her cows are very important to her village. She lives in a village in Africa. She isn't a rich girl. She is very young. She might be 7 or 8. She isn't that tall. She is beautiful. She has an important role in her village because she owns the cows.

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