Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blog Assignment #14: Media

            I Think the media is a bad thing that people use. I looked up two stories where I think the media crossed the line. The two stories were about Vanessa Anne Hudgens and Lindsy Lohan. The media doesn't care about privacy at all. The media outlets are accountable for putting the things on the web. They are not responsible for the celebrities behavior though. Privacy needs to be respected and the media doesn't respect that. I say we live in a media frenzied world. It is horrible.
             I think they should not let those stars act that way. It is disgusting what they do. They need to be more Christ like. They need to know when to stop. I find It terrible. I used to look up to Vanessa Anne Hudgens ,but after I learned what she did I felt she was one of the worst people I knew of. She is a good actress ,but she needs to get herself together.
            I think the stars should be punished for what they do. I know God will punish them once they die ,but they should be punished so they know what they did wrong. They should know better. Some of these people are grown. They are probably in their 30's so they need to grow up. I think they should be able to fix what they have done. the problem with celebrities is that they think they are better than everyone else so they can do whatever they want. They can't do that just because they are famous. It is outrageous!
                Lindsy Lohan had a good life. She could have done much better. She is in jail now. She has gone to jail for who knows how many times. Her career was interrupted in 2007 as two driving under the influence (DUI) incidents and three visits to drug rehabilitation facilities led to several lost movie deals. Resuming her career, she guest starred in the TV series Ugly Betty in 2008, starred in the 2009 comedy Labor Pains, and appeared in Robert Rodriguez's Machete in 2010.She has attracted significant publicity, particularly surrounding her personal life. She needs to go with her career and stop sharing her personal life. She needs to get a clue just like the movie she starred in Get A Clue.
                I wish stars would figure out what they did wrong. They need someone to tell them about Christ. I wish that someone would find a way to tell them about Christ. I hope they will follow the plan God has for them eventually. It would help their lives so much. I wish they could remember what it is like to not be a star so they could possibly have better lives. It would help because they would be better role models.

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