Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog Assignment #19- Tony Curtis

        Tony Curtis was a huge Holwood star. He was in over 100 films. He is popular for being in "The Defiant Ones" and for being Houdini. "My father leaves behind a legacy of great performances in movies and in his paintings and assemblages," his daughter actress Jamie Lee Curtis said in a statement. "He leaves behind children and their families who loved him and respected him and a wife and in-laws who were devoted to him. He also leaves behind fans all over the world." He died today at the age of 85. He was a great actor.
           Tony Curtis's real name was Bernard Schwartz. His parents were Hungarian Jewish.Hungarian was Curtis's only language until he was five or six.His father was a tailor and their family lived in the back of the shop. His mother had made one appearance on a television show called "You Bet Your Life". Curtis said, "When I was a child, Mom beat me up and was very aggressive and antagonistic." His mother had a mental disease called schizophrenia. The disease also effected his Brother, Robert.
        He did both screen comedy and drama together and became the most sought after star in Hollywood. He appeared often on television shows. He was mostly in movies. In the early 1960s, he was immortalized as "Stony Curtis," a voice-over guest star on The Flintstones. I saw the episode of The Flinstones that he was in. It was a really good episode.
               Throughout his life, Curtis enjoyed painting, and since the early 1980s, painted as a second career. His work commands more than $25,000 a canvas now. In the last years of his life, he concentrated on painting rather than movies. He said "I still make movies,but I'm not that interested in them anymore. But I paint all the time." In 2007, his painting The Red Table was on display in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. His paintings can also be seen at the Tony Vanderploeg Gallery in Carmel, California.
         He got married six times. His first wife was actress Janet Leigh,with whom he fathered actresses Kelly and Jamie Lee Curtis. He divorced Leigh in 1962 to marry Christine Kaufmann, the 17-year-old German co-star of his latest film, Taras Bulba. He stated, however, that his marriage with Leigh had effectively ended "a year earlier". In 1963 Curtis married Kaufmann. They had two daughters, Alexandra  and Allegra. They divorced in 1968. Kaufmann resumed her career, which she had interrupted during her marriage.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Blog Assignment #18: Obama

    Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961. He is the 44th president. He is also the current president. He is the first African American to hold the office. He previously severed as a Senator from Illinois,f
rom January 2005 until he resigned after his election to the presidency in November 2008. native of Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the president of the Harvard Law Review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.
   Obama served three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. Several events brought him to national attention during the campaign, including his victory in the March 2004 Democratic primary and his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004. He won election to the U.S. Senate in November 2004. His presidential campaign began in February 2007, and after a close campaign in the 2008 Democratic Party presidential primaries against Hillary Rodham Clinton, he won his party's nomination. In the 2008 general election, he defeated Republican nominee John McCain and was inaugurated as president on January 20, 2009.
       Obama was born August 4, 1961, at Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. His mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was born in Wichita, Kansas, of mostly English, but also some German, descent. His father, Barack Obama, Sr., was a Luo from Nyang’oma Kogelo, Nyanza Province, Kenya. Obama is the first President to have been born in Hawaii. Obama's parents met in 1960 in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, where his father was a foreign student on scholarship. The couple married on February 2, 1961, but separated when Obama Sr. went to Harvard University on scholarship, and divorced in 1964.Obama Sr. remarried and returned to Kenya, visiting Barack in Hawaii only once, in 1971. He died in an automobile accident in 1982.
   Obama has two children named, Malia Anne (their first) who, was born in 1998 and followed by, a second daughter, Natasha in 2001. They call Natasha "Sasha". His wife's name is Michelle Obama. Obama is  6′ 1″.  Obama's parents separated when he was two years old.
    Obama also struggled with the absence of his father, who he saw only once more after his parents divorced, in a brief 1971 visit. His father had left paradise. They couldn't describe what it might have been like had he stayed.Obama, Sr. eventually lost his legs in an automobile accident, also losing his job as a result. In 1982, he died in yet another car accident while traveling in Nairobi. Obama, Jr. was 22 years old when he received the news of his father's passing.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog Assignment #17 80's Pics


Blog Assignment #17/ Eighties

 10 Catch Phrases From The Eighties
1.And I'll Form...The HEAD! by Keith on Voltron
2.This message will self-destruct. by Inspector Gadget
3. A-Duh! by Hillary Banks
4. Ain't that a kick in the butt? by Al Calavicci
5. Alvin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by David on Alvin and the Chipmunks
6. And Now you Know And Knowing Is Half The Battle by G.I. Joe
7. Anybody Got Any Cheese?? by Steve Urkel
8.Are you threatening me...? by Sheriff Rosco P Coltrane on The Dukes Of Hazzard
9. Autobots!!! Transform and rollout!!! by Optimus Prime
10. Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! by Lydia on Beetlejuice

Blog#17 More E-how

1.How to Eat Healthy On the Go
2.How to Go Blueberry Picking
3.How to make Spinach Pie to Go
4.How to Eat to a Six Pack
5.How to Garden on a Budget
6.How to Garden on a Budget
7.How to Prune a Dwarf Weeping Cherry Tree
8.How to Care for a Weeping Japanese Cherry Tree
9.How to Grow Dwarf Cherry Trees
10.Choosing & Planting Dwarf Cherry Trees


Monday, September 27, 2010

Blog Assignment #16: Happy News/Wacky

1. How to Know if a Town is Pet Friendly
2. How to Buy Things on Amazon Without a Credit Card
3. How to Add Scent to a Candle
4.How to Mix Essential Oils for Healing
5.How to Make Fragrance Oil
6.How to Cut Fragrance Oils
7. How to Make Red Wood Cedar Fragrance Oil
8.How to Plant Eastern Red Cedar Seeds
9.How to Transplant a Wild Cedar Tree
10.How to Choose a Pet Boarding Kennel
11. How to vacation with your pet to Estes Park Colorado
12.How to Staff a Doggy Daycare
13.How to Choose the Best Doggie Daycare
14.How to Host a Doggy Daycare Party
15.How to Choose An Appropriate Pet Daycare

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blog Assignment #15: Africa/Storytelling

               The first video I watched was about Khardiata Dia. She is a girl who lives in Africa. She sweeps her front porch after school every day. She then goes to walk in the fields. There are animals there who keep her company. Then she likes to look at the trees. The trees she looks at are Baobab trees. They can live for hundreds of years.
                She is a calm girl. She does normal things. The video was beautiful. I loved how she showed the horses and other animals who keep her company. She isn't very rich. She is a beautiful young. That is all about the video.
               The next video I watched was about Cheikh Dia. He is a young boy. He created a montage of his typical Sunday. He first wakes up. Then he prays. He then goes out to the fields and plays with his friends. Then he helps his older brother with homework. At the end of the day his him and his family enjoy a quiet evening while they drink tea.
                      He studies alot. He prays everyday. He reads his Bible. He plays with his friends. He eats with his family. He is just a regular boy. He lives in Africa. He isn't rich. In Africa they sleep with nets around their beds so the don't get bitten by mosquitos.
                 The last video I watched was about Aldiouma Dia's mother taking milk from the cows and preparing it to be sold. Her mom gets the milk from the cows. She then  takes the butter off the top of the milk. Then she stirrs the milk to make it drinkable.Her mom then puts in a little bit of sugar to make it taste good.
            Her cows are very important to her village. She lives in a village in Africa. She isn't a rich girl. She is very young. She might be 7 or 8. She isn't that tall. She is beautiful. She has an important role in her village because she owns the cows.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blog Assignment #14: Media

            I Think the media is a bad thing that people use. I looked up two stories where I think the media crossed the line. The two stories were about Vanessa Anne Hudgens and Lindsy Lohan. The media doesn't care about privacy at all. The media outlets are accountable for putting the things on the web. They are not responsible for the celebrities behavior though. Privacy needs to be respected and the media doesn't respect that. I say we live in a media frenzied world. It is horrible.
             I think they should not let those stars act that way. It is disgusting what they do. They need to be more Christ like. They need to know when to stop. I find It terrible. I used to look up to Vanessa Anne Hudgens ,but after I learned what she did I felt she was one of the worst people I knew of. She is a good actress ,but she needs to get herself together.
            I think the stars should be punished for what they do. I know God will punish them once they die ,but they should be punished so they know what they did wrong. They should know better. Some of these people are grown. They are probably in their 30's so they need to grow up. I think they should be able to fix what they have done. the problem with celebrities is that they think they are better than everyone else so they can do whatever they want. They can't do that just because they are famous. It is outrageous!
                Lindsy Lohan had a good life. She could have done much better. She is in jail now. She has gone to jail for who knows how many times. Her career was interrupted in 2007 as two driving under the influence (DUI) incidents and three visits to drug rehabilitation facilities led to several lost movie deals. Resuming her career, she guest starred in the TV series Ugly Betty in 2008, starred in the 2009 comedy Labor Pains, and appeared in Robert Rodriguez's Machete in 2010.She has attracted significant publicity, particularly surrounding her personal life. She needs to go with her career and stop sharing her personal life. She needs to get a clue just like the movie she starred in Get A Clue.
                I wish stars would figure out what they did wrong. They need someone to tell them about Christ. I wish that someone would find a way to tell them about Christ. I hope they will follow the plan God has for them eventually. It would help their lives so much. I wish they could remember what it is like to not be a star so they could possibly have better lives. It would help because they would be better role models.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blog Assignment #13: Declaration of Independence

              In the Declaration of Independence it says "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."We all have certain rights and we all are created equal. The Declaration of Independence says that governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of the ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to destroy it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them it might seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. To protect the core values the citizens have to follow the laws and live by the Declaration of Independence.They are all important because they help us keep ourselves together. We stay a free independent press by following the laws. If we follow the laws, we can't get taken over like many societies. The core values of the Declaration of Independence are all men being equal and all have certain rights. There are more core values, but these are the most important. The values help drive our government by helping us to stay on track and not becoming a government where we aren't free.The responsibilities of the core values that producer of information and their fellow citizens have when distributing information are they need to get to the point, they need to be nice about it, and they need to be polite. We all need to follow the Declaration of Independence.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Blog Assignment #12-M.Antoinette

            Marie Antoinette was the Queen of France, and ever since the revolutionaries wanted to get rid of their monarchs to start a republic, vicious rumours had spread about her and she was seen as the cause of the great dept the country was in, the revolutionaries therefore decided not only to kill the King of France, but also his wife, Marie Antoinette. Not only that, but she was extremely vicious towards peasants and third estate-men. She said that if they were having troubles, "let them eat cake!" which basically meant she didn't really care about their situation money wise or didn't know about it.
              Marie Antoinette was the Queen of France during the French Revolution. Was resented by the French citizens for her foreign birth and extravagant lifestyle, Marie has gone down in history as the arrogant monarch who, when told the peasants were starving because they had no bread, said "let them eat cake." Marie was known to have been a wild spender as a young queen. The daughter of Francis I and Maria Theresa, Emperor and Empress of the Holy Roman Empire, Marie left Austria for France in 1770 to marry the prince of France. In 1774 the prince became King Louis XVI and Marie became queen. As revolution swept Paris in 1789, the king and queen tried to flee but failed. Marie and Louis XVI were stuck as prisoners at the palace at Tuileries. Failing to get help from royal supporters in England, Prussia ,and Austria they were arrested and charged with treason in 1792. Louis was beheaded on January 21, 1793 and Marie was beheaded months later, on 16 October 1793.
              Some of Marie Antoinette's Quotes are I was a queen, and you took away my crown; a wife, and you killed my husband; a mother, and you deprived me of my children. My blood alone remains: take it, but do not make me suffer long., Let them eat cake, and I have seen all, I have heard all, I have forgotten all. I think her life was hard. It had its ups and downs. She was a good person at the younger age ,but as she got older she got meaner. I think she could have lived a better life. She chose to live the life that she lived so she got beheaded. I wouldn't of beheaded her though. I think that is gross. I just would have taken her crown away and I would give it to someone who deserves it.
Marie                                                         King Louis XVI

Marie's cat                                            Marie at a ball

 Marie and her children

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blog Assignment #11 - Part 3

Lennart Johansson against soccer tech
Who: This is about Lennart Johansson.
What: In an interview with The Associated Press, Johansson also backed England's bid for the 2018 World Cup and criticized the standard of play at this year's World Cup.
When: This happened in September.
Where: This happened at the World Cup Series.
Why: He wanted the World cup.
How: He criticized the standard of play for the World Cup.

Where duffers dare to dream
Who: This is about golfers.
What: It tells about what they think you imagine when you think of golf.
When: This happened recently.
Where: This happened in Las Vegas.
Why: They want you to think about golf differently.
How: They tell you what they want you to know about golf.

Super Saver to rest bone bruise
Who: This is about Super Saver.
What: Super Saver will have 60 days of stall rest before being re-evaluated for bone bruising that was diagnosed last week by nuclear scintigraphy, Elliott Walden, racing manager for the colt's owner, WinStar Farm, said Monday.
When:This happened August 28.
Where: This happened in Versailles, Ky.
Why: He got bruised in his horse race.
How: He threw his rider off his back.


Blog Assignment #11 Part 2

Number of Americans living in poverty 'increases by 4m'
Who: This is about the people in poverty.
What: The number of people in poverty increased by nearly 4m, to 43.6m, between 2008 and 2009.
When: this is from the year 2008 to the year 2009.
Where: This is in the United States of America.
Why: People are in poverty because they can't get enough money from their jobs.
How: People don't go to school so they don't get an education and can't get a job that pays well.

Body parts found in shark 'belong to missing sailor'
Who:This is about Judson Newton, who swam for shore after his boat broke down in August.
What: The 43-year-old had been out boating with friends off New Providence Island on 29 August when their boat stalled.
When: This happened on August 29.
Where: This happened at New Providence Island.
Why: Their boat was stalled by a tiger shark.
How: They found a shark and somehow found the body parts.

US marks 9/11 anniversary amid Koran-burning row
Who: This is about the relatives of the people in 9/11.
What:  Relatives read out the names of those who died when hijacked airliners hit the World Trade Center.
When: This happened recently.
Where: This took place in New York.
Why: They did this because they were grieving.
How: They did it by having a ceremony.

Blog Assignment 11 Part 1

Firefighter Dead From Flesh-Eating Disease
Who: This is about  Terrell Nielsen.
What:Terrell Nielsen has a flesh-eating disease.
When: This happened July 23, 2010. 
Where:  He was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital in Savannah on July 23 and diagnosed with necrotizing faciitis. He later was taken to an Augusta hospital, where he remained until his death Thursday.
 Why:  He injured his arm in training , but they didn't know it was because of the disease.
How: He died because they couldn't treat his disease fast enough.

Missing Grandma Likely Abducted
Who: This is about Pat O'Hagan.
What:Pat O'Hagan is missing.
When: Pat O'Hagan was last seen Friday afternoon.
Where: She was abducted from her house.
Why: No one knows why yet.
How: The state police are offering $5,000 for a reward for who ever brings her safely home.

Extreme Makeover begins work on flood-damaged school
Who:  "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" started construction work over the weekend on the flood-damaged preschool at Lighthouse Christian School in Antioch.
What:They are rebuilding the flood-damaged school.
When: This happened over the weekend that just passed.
Where: They are rebuilding the flood-damaged school in Nashville, Tennessee.
Why: They are rebuilding the preschool because the children need somewhere to go to school.
How: They got a makeover team to help themm rebuild the school.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blog Assignment #10-G.Muller

George Muller
            George Muller was a Christian evangelist and Director of the Ashley Down orphanage in Bristol, England, cared for 10,024 orphans in his life. He was well-known for providing an education to the children under his care, to the point where he was accused of raising the poor above their natural station in life. He also established 117 schools which offered Christian education to over 120,000 children, many of them being orphans. He was important in history because he and his wife helped with orphans. He did many things in his life people admire. He was a great Christian man.
             Some of his quotes were "A servant of God has but one Master." ,“I hope in God, I pray on, and look yet for the answer. They are not converted yet, but they will be.”, and “If honest of heart and uprightness before God were lacking or if I did not patiently wait on God for instruction, or if I preferred the counsel of my fellow-men to the declarations of the Word of God, I made great mistakes". I think he was a great man. He helped orphans. He was a Christian. He provided education. All these things are what God wants in a person.
                   I think he did all the things he needed to do. I hope God blessed him for doing everything. He was a bad child ,but when he grew up he became better and better. Soon enough he was a Christian. Once he asked God to forgive him and to bless him he immediately stopped drinking and gambling and doing everything else he wasn't so posted to do. He was a better person. That is why people admire him today.    
George Muller                                             George Muller's Orphanage Children
 George Muller's Orphanage
    Bible                                     George Muller

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blog Assignment #9 /Current Broadway Musicals

          There are many musicals currently playing on Broadway. Some of the musicals that are playing are The Lion King, Wicked, Mamma MiaMary Poppins, and Elf. These are some of the many you might be familiar with. Out of the five currently playing musicals I have listed I have to say I have only seen one of them. It was the most spectacular show you could see. I saw Wicked. It was a awesome show. All of these are shows I would like to see. I even want to see Wicked again.
            The Lion King  was the first musical I listed. I think it will be a great show. I saw the previews on Disney channel. I also researched it. according to all my research The Lion King continues to amaze, with astounding visuals that will make this a show you'll remember forever. Marvel at the breathtaking spectacle of animals brought to life by an enormous company of international performers, whose detailed costumes, carved masks, and intricate makeup will transport you to the gorgeous vistas of the African savanna.Based on the 1994 Disney animated film, The Lion King continues to reign as one of the most popular shows on Broadway and around the world. The global phenomenon is the winner of more than 70 major awards worldwide, including the Tony Award for Best Musical, and the Grammy for Best Musical Show Album.
               Wicked's cast is   Mandy Gonzalez as Elphaba  ( later the wicked witch of the west ), Katie Rose Clarke as Glinda, Andy Karl as Fiyero, P.J. Benjamin as the Wizard, Kathy Fitzgerald as Madame Morrible,  Alex Brightman as Boq, Timothy Britten Parker as Doctor Dillamond, and Jenny Fellner as Nessarose. It is a great story about how the wicked with of the west used to be good. She finds out that the  wizard is her father. She is basically trying to help her sister Nessarose (the wicked witch of the east). Nessarose is in love with Boq (one of the munchkins that went to her school). She later accidentally almost kills Boq so Elphaba has to turn him into the tin man. Elphaba Has to save the cowardly lion. her boyfriend Fiyero gets turned into the scarecrow somehow. it was a great play.

             Mamma Mia is currently playing on Broadway. it it a fun play to watch. I haven't seen it ,but i saw the movie. I would love to do a play so fun. It has great music. I love the story of Sophie wanting to find her dad. She ends up with four dads. She knows her mom loves on eof the men. Who at the end of the play marries her mom. She is so happy that her mom doesn't have to die alone.
            Mary Poppins is the story of the Banks family who live in a big house in London on Cherry Lane. Things are not going well for the family, the children, Jane and Michael, are out of control and are in need of a new nanny. Jane and Michael have their own ideas about what sort of caretaker they should have, while their parents—and in particular Mr. Banks—are insistent on someone strict for the job. When a mysterious young woman named Mary Poppins appears at their doorstep, the family finds that she’s the answer to their prayers, but in the most peculiar way. Mary Poppins takes the children on many magical and memorable adventures, but Jane and Michael aren’t the only ones she has a profound effect upon. Even grown-ups can learn a lesson or two from the nanny who advises that “anything can happen if you let it.”
               Elf is much like the popular film of the same name, Elf follows the adventure of a young man named Buddy who grew up at the North Pole believing he is one of Santa's Christmas elves. When his adoptive father reveals he is actually human, Buddy heads to New York City to find his real family. It is a heart warming story.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Team Publishers

HarperCollins Children's
            The company publishes under many different imprints, and publishes the Collins English Dictionary. They also publish fiction, nonfiction, and children's books.They have been in business for 191 years. They are located in New York City. Some of their famous authors are Stacy Parker Aab, Hank Aaron, Leroy Aarons, Deborah Aaronson, Edward Abbey, A. Philip Brown II, Lauren Bacall, Andrew Zahn, Julianne S. Zuehlke, Junior Zapata, Karen Spears Zacharias, Ravi Zacharias, Terry E. Zuehlke, and The Very Dr. Paul F. M. Zahl. Its country of origin is the United Kingdom.

Random House
          They publish fiction and nonfiction books. They have been in business for 83 years. They are located in New York City.Some of their famous authors are Christopher Paolini, Dan Brown, Jean M. Auel, Linda Howard, John Twelve Hawks.Random House was founded in 1927 by Americans Bennett Cerf and Donald Klopfer, two years after they acquired the Modern Library imprint.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blog Assignment # 7

The photo Arugus is what the website is about.It gives you picures to look at. Every day you can look at it and see something new. You can go to and se the pictures.You can go to the website for a class project or just for fun. You just go to the website.

  This is about ispot. It let's you search for pictures and other things. It lets you do it every day. You go to and you ccan get started. Yoou can do it for any reason. Just go to the website.