Monday, August 30, 2010

picture #15

                         Aren't these the cutest glasses? They have leopard frames. They are my favorite color on the inside. The shape is slim fitting. It could fit my face. I think I would like to wear these one day.

picture #14

                        This puppy reminds me of my puppy. Doesn't she look like she could get into trouble? I bet she has bad breath. She looks like she could run very fast. She looks like she is very playful.
                   I like these flowers. The yellow color reminds me of the sun. The yellow also goes well with the green color of the grass. The center of the flower looks funny. It reminds me of a peanut butter cup!

                    This jet reminded me of my dad. He went on a jet to Tennessee. I like how the jet is faster than a regular plane. It looks sleak in the sky. I'd like to fly on a plane like this.

Picture #11

                      I thought this sea turtle looked really big. I like the brown colors on his under shell. It almost looks like he has a beak. He is so big, I wonder how old he is? It looks like he could fly through the water.

Picture # 10

                         I thought this was really cute. Are the dolphins really kissing? Do dolphins really kiss? What are they thinking?

Picture #9

                  This bird looks like it has a hat. The hat has great detail. I wonder why God did that? I'm glad for the details.It is so pretty. I like the shade of blue it is.

Picture #8

                        I like this picture because it is colorful. It looks DELICIOUS!! I would love to eat it.
I wonder how many licks it would take to finish this ice cream cone.

Picture #7

                    I like this picture because it looks like it will be juicy when you bite into it. It is kinda red too. It looks kinda Christmasy.

Picture #6

                   I thought this looked delicious. I love kiwis. They are so sweet.
I love there colors. Green is such a pretty color.

Picture #5

                     I saw this picture and I thought it was so cute. I love puppies especially spotted puppies.I love all kinds of animals. I just love the dog the most.
                        This thing looked so gross. But the head kinda fits the body. I think that is funny to. It is kinda cute to.

picture #3

                    I thought this was just s funny. How they can make it look like the head of a rooster with the body of a dog. It is so weird.

picture #2

                                 I thought this was a really weird picture. I thought it was very gross. I thought it was sad. I wish God woouldn't let poor animals come into the world deformed.

Picture #1

                           I like this picture because it looks so funny. It was a photo mash-up. It was so weird. I thought it was a weird picture.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Blog Assignment #2 Happy News

                  Astronauts and twin brothers Mark and Scott Kelley are the first identical twins to go into space at the same time. It is great that their dreams have come true,but Nasa is retireing the space shuttle. They are sad that the space shuttle is retireing. They know that to retire the space shuttle means they can make more things better than the space shuttle. They hope Nasa can make things way better than the space shuttle.
                   Pools of oil continue to disapear from the Gulf's surface. It is now known that the tropical storm didnt do anything to the oil. The oil was breaking down by itself. They are trying to skim the rest out of the gulf. The oil could be gone in a matter of a coouple of weeks!

Blog Assignment #2- Happy News

Blog Assignment #2-dictionary

1.ruction- a disturbance, quarrel, or row
2.tare- the weight of a container that holds an object
3.attar- a perfume or essential oil obtained from flowers or petals
4.fantod- a sudden state of nevousness or restlessness
5.tarry- to remain or stay
6.blithe- joyous or merry in disposition
7.don- to put on or dress in
8.occlude- to shut in, out, or off
9.spoor- a track or trail
10.snuff- to extinguish or suppress

Blog Assignment #2-Puns

1.The magician got so mad he pulled his hare out
2.Somebody was running a flea circus, but a dog came and stole the show
3.A circus lion wont eat clowns because they taste funny
4.If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends
5.Humpty Dumpty had a great fall-and a pretty good spring and summer, too
6.Thirsty jokers can be waiting at the punch line
7.A tight-rope waler enjoys being online
8.When a vampire decided to become a poet, everyone said he went from bat to verse
9. I watched a movie about a baby hen, it was a real chick flick
10.the astromomer wanted to be an actor because he wanted to see the stars

Blog Assignment #2

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blog Assignment #1

               Hi my name is Lauren. My birthday was last Sunday. I am a seventh grader at bcs. I have two dogs and one cat. My girl dog is a chihuahua mix named Candy. My boy dog is a german shepherd named Baron. My cat is a boy named Rocky. I love them so much.
              I love to act. I have been in many plays. I was recently in the play Footloose. I do a play every summer. They are so fun to do. Last summer I did Suessical. I have a swimming pool and a three acre yard. It might be four acres I'm not sure. I play outside a bunch.
             I love chocolate!!!! I will eat just about any kind of junk food, but I hate nuts!!! I am very picky! Even though I love chocolate, I won't eat it with nuts in it, with mint in it or if it is dark chocolate. I love chocolate from Germany. They have the best chocolate i have ever tasted! I also love popcicles, the green mints, the rootbeer mints, and a lot of other junk food.
           I love animals especially dogs and cats. I own three. If i see a hurt animal, I will stop and help it. I hate snakes and reptiles. They gross me out! I am a kind and loving person. I am a straight A student. People say I look like my mom. And I dont get along with my older brother well.
           I am an honors student at bcs. I collect stuffed animals. I love two story houses. I am NOT a morning person. I like to stay up late. I love disney channel. I also love watching "The Nanny". I love playing on the computer and my i-phone. I love swimming. And I hate reading if the book is boring.
                                                                      The End :)

Blog Assignment #1

Monday, August 16, 2010

Pre-blog assignment!!

Step 1

Decide what type of interview you'd like to do. The most common are face-to-face and phone interviews. Face to face gives you an opportunity to look at the person and see the look on their face when they're telling their stories. A phone interview gives the person a little more anonymity and might provide an easier outlet for someone to open up.

Step 2

Set up a time or place to meet with your subject. If you are meeting face to face, meet in a place that is comfortable to the subject.

Step 3

Bring a recorder and a notebook and pen. Turn the recorder on during the interview, but write down in the notebook key things that were said. You can also write down the time certain things were said by watching the timer on your recorder.

Step 4

Start a conversation, not an interview. Have a conversation with your subject because you want them to be comfortable with what they're talking about. The more comfortable your subject is, the better the interview will be.

Step 5

Listen. Let your subject talk. Don't be so quick to interject with more questions. Wait for a definitive pause before asking your next question.

Step 6

Let the conversation steer your line of questioning. It's good to go into the interview with an idea of what you want to ask, but don't be afraid to ask your questions in response to what your subject has said.

Step 7

Let the interview go as long as it needs to. Don't limit your time or your subject's chance to tell his story. This will ensure the most complete interview possible. After he is finished, thank them for their time.

Lauren's chronicle