Thursday, August 19, 2010

Blog Assignment #2-Puns

1.The magician got so mad he pulled his hare out
2.Somebody was running a flea circus, but a dog came and stole the show
3.A circus lion wont eat clowns because they taste funny
4.If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends
5.Humpty Dumpty had a great fall-and a pretty good spring and summer, too
6.Thirsty jokers can be waiting at the punch line
7.A tight-rope waler enjoys being online
8.When a vampire decided to become a poet, everyone said he went from bat to verse
9. I watched a movie about a baby hen, it was a real chick flick
10.the astromomer wanted to be an actor because he wanted to see the stars

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