Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blog Assignment #1

               Hi my name is Lauren. My birthday was last Sunday. I am a seventh grader at bcs. I have two dogs and one cat. My girl dog is a chihuahua mix named Candy. My boy dog is a german shepherd named Baron. My cat is a boy named Rocky. I love them so much.
              I love to act. I have been in many plays. I was recently in the play Footloose. I do a play every summer. They are so fun to do. Last summer I did Suessical. I have a swimming pool and a three acre yard. It might be four acres I'm not sure. I play outside a bunch.
             I love chocolate!!!! I will eat just about any kind of junk food, but I hate nuts!!! I am very picky! Even though I love chocolate, I won't eat it with nuts in it, with mint in it or if it is dark chocolate. I love chocolate from Germany. They have the best chocolate i have ever tasted! I also love popcicles, the green mints, the rootbeer mints, and a lot of other junk food.
           I love animals especially dogs and cats. I own three. If i see a hurt animal, I will stop and help it. I hate snakes and reptiles. They gross me out! I am a kind and loving person. I am a straight A student. People say I look like my mom. And I dont get along with my older brother well.
           I am an honors student at bcs. I collect stuffed animals. I love two story houses. I am NOT a morning person. I like to stay up late. I love disney channel. I also love watching "The Nanny". I love playing on the computer and my i-phone. I love swimming. And I hate reading if the book is boring.
                                                                      The End :)

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